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Why Do We Seek Knowledge?

October 4, 2022

Vahiguru ji ka Khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki Fatih!

From a young age, most of us are taught to search for answers, meaning, or knowledge — we need to read, learn, and read some more.

Guru Nanak Sahib quantifies this search for knowledge in the ninth stanza of Asa Ki Var, Song of Hope. The Guru says,

Even if as many books that can fill carts and caravans are studied unendingly.
Even if as many books that can be loaded in a boat or lined up in a cellar are studied unendingly.
Even if one has studied for as many years as there are in life, even if one has studied for as many months as there are in life.
Even if one studies for as long as an entire life-span, even if one studies with as many breaths as one can take.
Nanak! Only one thing is acceptable in the account; everything else is merely nonsensical blabbering resulting from egoism.

Yes! There is value in seeking knowledge and being hungry to learn. We can soak up this knowledge like a sponge and spend every waking moment learning more and more. We can become intellectuals good at proving our points. We can debate and display everything we have learned.

Is that what we want?

A directionless pursuit of knowledge is futile.

The Guru raises our consciousness and asks us to think about the one thing that is acceptable in attaining all this knowledge.

We pause.
We reflect.

Yes! Reading, learning, and building knowledge are great. However, if we have not figured out that one thing, we will remain dissatisfied and frustrated. That one thing will allow us to take all our learning and do something with it.

What is that one thing?

It is Nam, Identification with IkOankar, the One. Nam releases us from our expectations, desires, and worries and burns away our egos. Living in Nam allows us to feel the Grace and act divine-like.

May we yearn for that one thing.
May the Wisdom-Guru guide us!

Watch, Listen, Read

Session 1 - Introduction: 1Oankar & Nam

Harinder Singh and Jasleen Kaur cover the major Sikh principles and paradigms.

Without Nam Life is Pointless

The Sabad commences with a vivid image—the touch of the Guru's hand on the devotee's forehead, a profound moment when the jewel-like Nam of the All-Pervasive comes to reside in the heart.

Maharani Jind Kaur: The Last Queen of Panjab

Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s death in 1839 left a big void in the rule of the Sikh kingdom, which led to the annexation of Panjab by the British.

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