Ask SikhRI series fosters a culture of learning and understanding among both Sikhs and non-Sikhs like you. It plays a vital role in dispelling misconceptions, promoting acceptance, and encouraging open dialogue, ultimately leading to your greater awareness and knowledge about Sikhi.
This initiative not only answers questions but also connects individuals with a network of experts, scholars, and community members who can provide meaningful insights and guidance. This fosters a sense of belonging and community, as people feel supported in their quest for knowledge about Sikhi.
Maintaining anonymity in question submission ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those who may be new to exploring Sikhi or dealing with personal challenges, can seek information and guidance without worrying about discrimination or bias. This inclusivity makes Sikhi more approachable to a broader audience, cultivating a sense of community and support.
Enjoy a safe and non-judgmental platform to ask questions about Sikhi, even those that you might be hesitant to ask openly.
"Hair in Sikhi is part of the protocol, as well as part of the tradition...You emulate the modalities you believe in of the ones you love."
The date of Guru Nanak Sahib's birth is immaterial. Our focus needs to be on the Infinite Wisdom; that’s Prakash Purab.
In Sikh ideals, preference is not to use the term "God" as it often carries gendered imagery. Instead, we embrace ੴ pronounced as IkOankar, the genderless and transcendent Being. IkOankar is not just gender-neutral; it transcends gender.
"I think it matters because what is our indigenous term? And what is the term which those who were studying us in the last hundred years started calling us? Our native term is Sikhi. Sikhism is something which was born out of the study of religions..."