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A Special Report on Historical Context 1984
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Links and file downloads to the curriculum, reports raw data and collections of resources assembled for your needs.
A Special Report on Historical Context 1984
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the current crisis involving Sikhs, Panjab, India, and the diaspora, with a focus on the historical context primarily from 1984 to 2023.
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Suggested Reading List
In an effort to make learning more about Sikhi and engaging process, our research staff compiles scholarly articles from around the web and other academic resources.
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Caste & Race – Raw Data
A global survey included in the report was presented to more than 683 self-identified Sikhs from 19 countries. This survey aimed to gain insight into how Sikhs worldwide understand caste and race in relation to Sikhi and how they consider casteist and anti-casteist practices concerning discriminatory expressions of power, identity, and pride.
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Caste & Race – Report
Caste and race have been linked together since the inception of the word “caste.” In the 17th century, Portuguese colonials coined the term “caste” — deriving from “casta,” which means “race, lineage, or breed” — to refer to the system of social codification witnessed during their exploration of South Asia.
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Women & Gender in Sikhi - Raw Data
A global survey included in the report was responded to by more than 689 self-identified Sikhs from 21 different countries. Its purpose was to gain insights into how Sikhs worldwide understand gender equality, masculinity, and feminism within Sikh frameworks and in their own relationships with their gender identity.
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Women & Gender in Sikhi - Report
This report aims to understand and explore Sikh conceptions of women and gender, responses to gender- based inequality and oppression, and framings of masculinity. The report explores the topics of women and gender from a Gurmat (or Guru’s Way) perspective, as inferred from Bani (wisdom), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle).
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Dan: Sikhi, Nonprofits & Giving - Raw Data
A global survey, included in the report, was responded to by more than 700 self-identified Sikhs from 23 different countries. Its purpose was to gain insight into Sikh understandings of giving, especially regarding its application in the current realities and needs of the Panth (Sikh collective).
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Dan: Sikhi, Nonprofits & Giving - Report
This report aims to understand and explore what it means to give in a Sikh context, how giving is conceptualized and understood through Sikh history, and how it is understood and practiced today.
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Dan: Sikhi, Nonprofits & Giving - Report Checklist
This is a download of the checklist that was designed for the State of the Panth report "Dan: Sikhi, Nonprofits & Giving."
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Miri-Piri: The Spiritual-Political Sikh Doctrine - Raw Data
A global survey, included in the report, was presented to more than 500 self-identified Sikhs from 19 countries. The purpose of this survey was to gain insight into Sikh understandings and applications of Miri-Piri doctrine today.
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Miri-Piri: The Spiritual-Political Sikh Doctrine - Report
This report aims to understand and explore how the Miri-Piri doctrine influences the political and spiritual behavior of Sikhs worldwide. The report analyzes ideas conveyed in Miri-Piri from a Gurmat (or Guru’s Way) perspective, as inferred from Bani (wisdom), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle).
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Sikhi & Sexuality – Report
The focus of this report is to understand sexuality in the context of a Sikh worldview, from a Gurmat (Guru’s Way) perspective, as inferred from Bani (wisdom), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle).
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Sikhi & Sexuality – Raw Data
A global survey, included in the report, was presented to 1,212 self- identified Sikhs from 31 countries. The purpose of this survey was to gain insight into Sikh thoughts and feelings surrounding sexuality today.
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Sikhi & Abortion – Report
The focus of this report is to gain insight into Sikh thoughts and feelings surrounding the issue of abortion today, and understand abortion in the context of a Sikh worldview, from a Gurmat (Guru’s Way) perspective, as inferred from Bani (wisdom), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle).
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Sikhi & Abortion – Raw Data
A global survey, included in the report, was presented to 1,277 self-identified Sikhs from 28 different countries, asking them to consider the issue of abortion and common questions related to the topic. The purpose of this survey was to understand what informs individual opinions, thoughts, and feelings related to abortion.
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Akal Takht Sahib: Timeless Sovereign Throne – Report
The focus of this report is to understand the role and function of Akal Takht Sahib from the Gurmat (Guru’s Way) perspective, as inferred from Bani (wisdom), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle). In understanding the Gurmat explanation of the function and role of Akal Takht Sahib, individuals and institutions can come together to push for a more transparent, independent, representative, and active institution.
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Akal Takht Sahib: Timeless Sovereign Throne – Raw Data
Sikh Research Institute has conducted a survey of 1,237 self-identified Sikhs from 27 different countries. The purpose of the survey was to gain insight into how Sikhs perceive the role of the Akal Takht Sahib in their own lives and in the lives of other Sikhs around the world.
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Gurduara: A Sikh Place of Learning – Report
The focus of this report is to understand the role of the local Gurduara within Sikh communities from the Gurmat (Guru’s Way) perspective, as inferred from Bani (wisdom), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle). In understanding the Gurmat explanation of the function of the Gurduara, local governance teams and Sikh sangat (community) can come together to create a Gurduara that is a cohesive community-focused place of learning.
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Gurduara: A Sikh Place of Learning – Raw Data
A survey of 1,172 self-identified Sikhs from 22 different countries was conducted by the Sikh Research Institute. It captures the views and aspirations of Sikhs about the role of Gurduaras within their local communities.
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Anand Karaj: The Sikh Marriage – Raw Data
A survey of 948 self-identified Sikhs from 20 different countries was conducted to summarize the 2017 Sikh population’s understanding of the rights to participate in the Anand Karaj ceremony. The survey showed distinct divides in terms of who may be able to participatespecifically in the Sikh context of marriage. The survey also highlights the discrepancies apparent within the community as well as identifies where institutional educational efforts can be focused.
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Anand Karaj: The Sikh Marriage – Report
Anand Karaj: The Sikh Marriage, the second report in the State of the Panth series. In exploring the division that exists in our community, we surveyed 1,000 self-identifying Sikhs across the globe. And the results might surprise you.
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Who is a Sikh? – Report
As the global Sikh population expands in size and complexion, the definition of a Sikh becomes increasingly important to support and shape the community. This study sets out to establish an understanding of how to conceptualize who is a Sikh.
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Who is a Sikh? – Raw Data
A survey of 938 individuals was conducted to summarize the 2017 Sikh population’s understanding of who a Sikh is. The survey results show significant differences between responses in comparison of age group and gender identity. The survey results mirror the concept of different groups within the Sikh community having varying understandings of how a Sikh should be defined.
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Getting to Know 1984
Embark on a journey to explore the Ghallugharas (large-scale massacres and battles) of 1984. Discover the resilience and sacrifices of the Sikhs and uncover the critical lessons they impart for our present and future.
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Protect Sikhs in America
The Indian government has long persecuted Sikhs in India and abroad, denying them justice and creating a culture of impunity for gross human rights violations. A recently foiled assassination plot, organized by India against a U.S. citizen, marks the progression and culmination of this violence.
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Getting to Know Rani Jind Kaur
"Getting to Know Rani Jind Kaur" is an extensive educational resource meticulously crafted to introduce students to the illustrious legacy of Rani Jind Kaur and the admirable qualities of Sikh leadership. Each lesson is thoughtfully paired with various "Advanced Learning Opportunities," catering to students of diverse proficiency levels and encouraging them to delve deeper into learning and contemporary discourse.
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Getting to Know Sohila
This education resource will introduce students to the Sohila Bani (composition). We have paired lesson units and short informational videos on the Sohila Bani.
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Getting to Know Jassa Singh Ahluwalia
Explore the life and lessons of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and his legacy through our downloadable education resource and our originally produced podcast and video series ‘Sikh History.’
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Sojhi: Kindergarten to Grade 2 Curriculum
For Kindergarten to Grade 2 — this curriculum is developed and reviewed extensively by educators, child development specialists, and experts and scholars in the subject matter covered by the curriculum and it is widely used in Gurmat and Panjabi schools across North America, parts of Europe and Asia.
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Sojhi: Grade 3 to 5 Curriculum
For Grade 3 to Grade 5 — this curriculum is developed and reviewed extensively by educators, child development specialists, and experts and scholars in the subject matter covered by the curriculum and it is widely used in Gurmat and Panjabi schools across North America, parts of Europe and Asia.
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Sojhi: Grade 6 to 8 Curriculum
For Grade 6 to Grade 8 — this curriculum is developed and reviewed extensively by educators, child development specialists, and experts and scholars in the subject matter covered by the curriculum and it is widely used in Gurmat and Panjabi schools across North America, parts of Europe and Asia.
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Sidh Gosti
Gurmukhi Text, English Transcription & Select Vocabulary
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Getting to Know Guru Granth Sahib
This comprehensive resource is easily accessible for use at schools, camps and for families wanting to support their children's summer learning experience at home. Each lesson plan has been thoughtfully constructed to encourage, engage and strengthen the curious minds of future generations, by offering resources inspired by the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
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Getting to Know Hari Singh Nalua
Explore the life and lessons of Hari Singh Nalua and his legacy through our downloadable curriculum, as well as through our originally produced podcast and video series 'Sikh History'.
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The Ghallughara of 1984 - Lesson Plan for 6-8
An education resource that highlights the persecution of Sikhs in India during the 1984 Ghallughara (code named Operation Blue Star by the Indian government) and the Sikh principles of justice.
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Seva: Gurmat Educational Unit
The unit, packed with exciting lessons, will take students on a journey of exploration of the concept of Seva in light of Gurbani–Wisdom, Tavarikh–History, and Rahit–Lifestyle. SikhRI’s Seva lessons are created to be used equally at home, Sikh camps, or Gurmat and Panjabi schools.
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Getting To Know Guru Nanak Sahib
This set of lessons is meant to introduce children to Guru Nanak Sahib and help them develop a fundamental knowledge base through Sakhis and other activities. Getting To Know Guru Nanak Sahib is perfect for use at home, Gurmat and Panjabi schools, as well as Sikh camps.
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Ik Oankar & Khanda Brochure
This digital download is a brochure expanding on symbols that are central to the Sikh experience: IkOankar and Khanda.
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June 1984 Poster
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Sikh Heritage Posters
These posters present Sikhs in the Panjab and the Diaspora, the institution of the Gurduara, and the impact Sikhs have had on global society and culture through their unique lifestyle and belief system.
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