Grihast is an event for young married couples to strengthen their values in marriage and family relationships, incorporating diverse themes that are at the foundation of a married life. New perspectives provide insights on building meaningful relationships while workshops and discussions offer a glimpse of the Guru’s vision and ideals on marriage.
Grihast offers a contemplative and reflective environment to work on personal development through various activities, educational presentations, and group discussions. Topics range from fostering deeper relationships with family to management skills and improving communication techniques.
Realization and understanding of marital roles and expectations are explored through examples from Sikh faith and culture. Throughout the various sessions, couples are given insight on the direction of what marriage should be, according to the Sikh vision of the ‘householder living’ as demonstrated by the Guru.
Outlooks are derived from the text and spirit of the Guru Granth Sahib as well as from personal reflections and experiences.
For more information on Grihast, visit
Please note: this event is open to married couples only. Sikhi - Love and Relationships is mandatory for Grihast and the cost is included in the Grihast fee.
Attendance should not be dependent on your ability to pay. Please contact us in confidence regarding genuine financial constraints and we will strive to make adjustments accordingly.
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