To mark the 40th year of the violence of 1984, we will remember the events that unfolded in India and make connections with the ongoing and durable violence against Sikhs, Muslims, and other minority groups in...
Join Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) for our engaging live online classroom sessions centered around the "The 1984 Attack on Sikhi: June, November and Aftermath" course.
To mark the 40th year of the violence of 1984, we will remember the events that unfolded in India and make connections with the ongoing and durable violence against Sikhs, Muslims, and other minority groups in...
To mark the 40th year of the violence of 1984, we will remember the events that unfolded in India and make connections with the ongoing and durable violence against Sikhs, Muslims, and other minority groups in...
Join Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) for our engaging live online classroom sessions centered around the "The 1984 Attack on Sikhi: June, November and Aftermath" course.