Join us as Kulvir Singh, Board Chair, SikhRI Canada, & Harinder Singh, Senior Fellow, Research & Policy, SikhRI, discuss and analyze moments in Sikh History and Sikh decision making.
In this workshop, we provide context on the logic and reasoning behind why the Guru's and Sikhs did what they did. What inspired the faith to start? What were the social, political, economic settings of the time? How do we draw inspiration from this into our own lives?
Come explore these questions and more.
The Sikh Revolution workshop highlights the revolutionary aspect of Sikhi and juxtaposes it with other major world revolutions to exemplify its impact and an advanced worldview that was ahead of its time.
The workshop discusses salient features of its religious aspects, like questioning religious leaders and preachers, calling out their hypocrisy, demanding change in status quo, elimination of spiritual slavery and middlemen by giving direct access to Divine wisdom in the scripture; thus making the individual physically, mentally and spiritually free and strong.
With respect to other revolutions, this workshop also highlights the effectiveness of Sikhi in better confronting and tackling the rigid societal caste and class structures of the time apart from gender inequality. In addition, it also touches the political aspect of Sikhi, its aspiration, and crusade for capturing political power over time to establish a rule of the commoners and by the commoners. It also explains the impact of Sikh activism and institutions on the economics right and status of the marginalized vis-à-vis the land and labor laws when and wherever the Sikhs became influential.
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