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Companionship For Life’s Journey and Beyond

January 10, 2023

Vahiguru ji ka Khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki Fatih!

From a young age, we strive to form friendships. As we mature, we realize that friendships take many forms—friendships within a loving family structure and platonic relationships. Friendship helps us navigate the highs and lows in the journey of life. Yet, there are moments when we feel the need for a “deeper friendship.”

Guru Arjan Sahib, in the thirteenth couplet of Gatha, says that among all the friends we can have, the greatest and most beloved friend, the 1-Light, the All-Pervasive, is the One who does not ever break our hearts. I have made That One alone the friend who stays with the heart.

Who is The One?
The One who is our eternal companion.
The One who is ever-present in our hearts.
The One whose place and weight are immeasurable.
The One whose glory is beyond estimation.

Can we think of The One as our friend?
Can we think of The One as our companion?

We pause.
We reflect.

Our friends are temporary; they will not be with us when we leave this world. They may even break our hearts, purposefully or not, said or unsaid. They cannot be our constant companions.

Will we make an effort to know The One?
Will we make an effort to find The One who stays with the heart?

May we strive for that Eternal friendship.
May the Wisdom-Guru guide us!

Watch, Listen, Read

Explore Mahala 5 Gatha

The Guru Granth Sahib Project is pleased to launch the annotation of Twenty-four saloks (couplets) by Guru Arjan Sahib.

Nam: Divine Identification

Join us as we delve into Bhai Vir Singh’s epic poem “Rana Surat Singh.” The poem unveils mystical love’s mysteries via 14,270 lines in thirty-five cantos. Mystical love is helical and circular in its workings.

Sabad Hajare Patisahi 10

Multiple sources of knowledge, visits to historical places, and personal experiences to date fuel the deeper meanings of Sabad Hajare (popularly Shabad Hazare) attributed to Guru Gobind Singh Sahib.

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