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Transcending Pride!

July 25, 2023

Vahiguru ji ka Khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki Fatih!

In the Guru Granth Sahib, pages 296 to 300 house the revealed composition of Guru Arjan Sahib, Gauri Thiti. The composition consists of seventeen pauris(stanzas) accompanied by saloks (couplets) spoken by Guru Arjan Sahib. The saloks concisely capture profound thoughts akin to the vast ocean within a small vessel. In contrast, pauris elaborate on these thoughts, providing detailed explanations.

Gauri Thiti is based on the fifteen lunar calendar days and immediately follows Sukhmani Sahib. Despite its brevity, it shares the simplicity and profundity of Sukhmani Sahib, earning its place as a recitation after it.

To grasp the Gauri Thiti composition, it is vital to understand its cultural context. The composition is rooted in the moon-based calendars and practices of astrologers and fortune tellers, dictating specific actions on certain days. This practice still prevails globally, influencing the strategies of lenders, spiritualists, and politicians. It perpetuates a calculated game, shaping their actions based on specific spaces and times.

In the fourth salok of Gauri Thiti, Guru Arjan Sahib says the one who has renounced pride is clever, wise, and adept. The four substances, the eight siddhis, are in the Nam (Identification with the One). Sing praises of the Nam of the 1-Light.

We pause.
We reflect.
We understand.

Those who liberate themselves from the shackles of ego blossom into insightful beings. This ultimate goal transcends the pursuit of spiritual points within a convoluted system that promises rewards.

Guru Arjan Sahib invokes the four substances and the eight siddhis. The four substances—dharma (religious discipline), artha (worldly needs), kama(success), and moksha (liberation)—stem from the Indic philosophy. The eight siddhis represent supernatural powers attained through ascetic discipline, each with its divisions and methods. Yet, a crucial distinction exists between becoming a renunciant and genuinely renouncing pride. We may relinquish worldly possessions yet remain firmly entrenched in our pride.

We unlock the path to genuine enlightenment by transcending pride and embracing humility. When singing praises to the 1-Light becomes our guiding force, it will lead us to a profound connection with the divine.

The paramount question arises:
Can we truly recognize what truly matters?
Can we comprehend the importance of singing praises to the 1-Light?

May we transcend pride and embrace Nam.
May the Wisdom-Guru be with us!

Watch, Listen, Read

Explore Thiti (Mahala 5) [Part 1]

The Guru Granth Sahib Project is pleased to launch the annotation of the first eight stanzas of the Composition Thiti by Guru Arjan Sahib under Rag Gauri. Gauri is a rag (musical mode) of serious nature, which evokes a thoughtful and reflective mood.

Inspiration & Action

Kulvir Singh and Prof. Mohanbir Singh Sawhney talk about connecting 7 Billion to 1-Ness, as well as sharing Guru’s Wisdom with the World.

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Bhai Vir Singh (1872-1957) is known as “The Sixth River of Panjab.” He was a poet, novelist, editor, exegete, historian, and a journalist. He was the leading figure in the Singh Sabha, the dynamic Sikh renaissance movement in early 20th-century Panjab.

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