Annual Report – 2015

January 1, 2016

The Strategic Solutions team at SikhRI continues to pioneer innovative Sikh education the world over. In July 2015, SikhRI released a children's picture book "Thank You, Vahiguru" written by Inni Kaur.

Vahiguru ij ka Khalsa, Vahiguru ij ki Fateh!

Thank you for your support for the Sikh Research Institute. It is the dedication o four volunteers and our generous donors that enable ustodo what welovedoing. SikhRI si totaly commitedtoits mission, o"t provide educational resources to Sikhs to lead a Guru-inspired life.

2015 was an exciting year forthe Panth and for us. Over the years, SikhRI has held numerous Sarbat Khalsa workshops across the globe. So, to actually witness the November Sarbat Khalsa gathering in Chabba village, after a twenty-nine yearhiatus was monumental. It was humbling to have our Co-founder and CEO, Harinder Singh lead the North American delegation. The possibility thatchange can take place at the Akal Takht level, led Harinder Singh to resign from SikhRI in December 2015, so that he could focus on the Free Akal Takht movement and SikhRI could remain focused on providing educational material to Sikhs worldwide.

To continue our mission with ful rigor, we were pleased to announce that Inni Kaur had taken over the reigns as interim CEO. Her passion for Sikhi, her dedication to the cause and her deep rooted experiencewith the organization made this an excellent choice for us as we continue our quest to build the leadership team and capacity of SikhRI. The Board and Inni Kaur are grateful to our stakeholders and sangat for their ongoing and unflinching support during this time of transition.

The need for Gurbani inspired education is more apparent than ever and we are investing a large portion of our resources to online education. 2016 and onwards, the global sangat wil be able to take advantage of the many self-paced online courses that we are developing and advancing Guru's vision for the Panth.

We remain humbled by the years of engagement with the sangats across theglobe and look forward to reaching and impacting many more constituents through our online as well as in-person programs. 2015 also brought a major uptick in our social media outreach and the team looks forward to interacting through the de facto communication medium of the century.

One again, thank you for all you do for us, continue to challenge us and by Grace may we move forward towards our Guru gifted attitude of Chardi Kala!


Inderpreet Singh, Chair, Board of Directors

Annual Report – 2015

The Strategic Solutions team at SikhRI continues to pioneer innovative Sikh education the world over. In July 2015, SikhRI released a children's picture book "Thank You, Vahiguru" written by Inni Kaur.

January 1, 2016

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Vahiguru ij ka Khalsa, Vahiguru ij ki Fateh!

Thank you for your support for the Sikh Research Institute. It is the dedication o four volunteers and our generous donors that enable ustodo what welovedoing. SikhRI si totaly commitedtoits mission, o"t provide educational resources to Sikhs to lead a Guru-inspired life.

2015 was an exciting year forthe Panth and for us. Over the years, SikhRI has held numerous Sarbat Khalsa workshops across the globe. So, to actually witness the November Sarbat Khalsa gathering in Chabba village, after a twenty-nine yearhiatus was monumental. It was humbling to have our Co-founder and CEO, Harinder Singh lead the North American delegation. The possibility thatchange can take place at the Akal Takht level, led Harinder Singh to resign from SikhRI in December 2015, so that he could focus on the Free Akal Takht movement and SikhRI could remain focused on providing educational material to Sikhs worldwide.

To continue our mission with ful rigor, we were pleased to announce that Inni Kaur had taken over the reigns as interim CEO. Her passion for Sikhi, her dedication to the cause and her deep rooted experiencewith the organization made this an excellent choice for us as we continue our quest to build the leadership team and capacity of SikhRI. The Board and Inni Kaur are grateful to our stakeholders and sangat for their ongoing and unflinching support during this time of transition.

The need for Gurbani inspired education is more apparent than ever and we are investing a large portion of our resources to online education. 2016 and onwards, the global sangat wil be able to take advantage of the many self-paced online courses that we are developing and advancing Guru's vision for the Panth.

We remain humbled by the years of engagement with the sangats across theglobe and look forward to reaching and impacting many more constituents through our online as well as in-person programs. 2015 also brought a major uptick in our social media outreach and the team looks forward to interacting through the de facto communication medium of the century.

One again, thank you for all you do for us, continue to challenge us and by Grace may we move forward towards our Guru gifted attitude of Chardi Kala!


Inderpreet Singh, Chair, Board of Directors