Annual Report – 2016

January 1, 2017

The Strategic Solutions team at SikhRI continues to pioneer innovative Sikh education the world over. On December 30, 2016, in Bihar Museum, Patna, Panjab Digital Library unveiled their new exhibition titled ‘Emperor-Prophet’: Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, for which SikhRI curated the content.

It may be a cliche, but during 2016 the saying that “the only thing constant in life is change” rang true for the team, programs and social media presence at SikhRI. Starting off the year strong with all your financial support, Inni Kaur took on the challenging role as CEO of the organization after we announced the resignation of our co-founder and then CEO Harinder Singh. The Guru uplifts in mysterious ways, and blessings from the Sangats and guidance from the Guru enabled us to continue our momentum and launch new initiatives.

First and foremost you all may have noticed the brand new website, fresh and welcoming branding and accelerated growth in our social media engagement. Our mission and vision remains the same, yet we have recharged our zeal and redoubled our efforts to “Illuminate every Path” with educational resources to enable Sikhs to live Guru-Inspired lives. We had a successful launch of a specialedition “summer curriculum” for home school, Khalsa Schools and Sikh youth camps. Online courses of Mul Mantar and Divine Names were released as well as a series called “Sundays with Puran Singh” keeping with our promise to engage seekers of Sikh education in cyberspace.

My personal highlight for the year was SikhRI’s presentation of the first ever conference in the diaspora on a legion to himself in the army of Sikh writers - Bhai Vir Singh. We are grateful that with the support of the family of Bhai Vir Singh in the Maryland area SikhRI was able to present his life and works through thought provoking speakers as well as through the publication of a book titled “Prit Vina”. With the continued support of Bhai Vir Singh’s family and the sangat we hope to make this type of conference an annual event.

There was nothing same and mundane about our flagship program Sidak in 2016. Every year I am amazed at the dedication of our team, the energy of the Sidakers, and the dynamics of intense immersive learnings that take place which make all Sidak experiences unique and memorable. A permanent addition to Sidak has been a weekend Gurmat Sangit workshop which has been augmented through the year with our launch of Nad: Gurmat Sangit Heritage where we seek to engage in exposing the unique musical heritage our Guru’s bestowed us with.

Financially, 2016 was a difficult year in terms of fundraising. With your generous contributions non-profits like ours remain focused on our mission and are driven by accountability and integrity. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the SikhRI family we thank each and everyone of you for your generous donations that continue to sustain our work.

We look forward to your engagement with us via tan, man and dhan and in turn we aspire to meet the expectations and responsibility bestowed upon us to spread the Love and enable Panth ki Jit and Sarbat ka Bhalla!

Guru Rakha!

Inderpreet Singh, Chair, Board of Directors

Annual Report – 2016

The Strategic Solutions team at SikhRI continues to pioneer innovative Sikh education the world over. On December 30, 2016, in Bihar Museum, Patna, Panjab Digital Library unveiled their new exhibition titled ‘Emperor-Prophet’: Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, for which SikhRI curated the content.

January 1, 2017

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It may be a cliche, but during 2016 the saying that “the only thing constant in life is change” rang true for the team, programs and social media presence at SikhRI. Starting off the year strong with all your financial support, Inni Kaur took on the challenging role as CEO of the organization after we announced the resignation of our co-founder and then CEO Harinder Singh. The Guru uplifts in mysterious ways, and blessings from the Sangats and guidance from the Guru enabled us to continue our momentum and launch new initiatives.

First and foremost you all may have noticed the brand new website, fresh and welcoming branding and accelerated growth in our social media engagement. Our mission and vision remains the same, yet we have recharged our zeal and redoubled our efforts to “Illuminate every Path” with educational resources to enable Sikhs to live Guru-Inspired lives. We had a successful launch of a specialedition “summer curriculum” for home school, Khalsa Schools and Sikh youth camps. Online courses of Mul Mantar and Divine Names were released as well as a series called “Sundays with Puran Singh” keeping with our promise to engage seekers of Sikh education in cyberspace.

My personal highlight for the year was SikhRI’s presentation of the first ever conference in the diaspora on a legion to himself in the army of Sikh writers - Bhai Vir Singh. We are grateful that with the support of the family of Bhai Vir Singh in the Maryland area SikhRI was able to present his life and works through thought provoking speakers as well as through the publication of a book titled “Prit Vina”. With the continued support of Bhai Vir Singh’s family and the sangat we hope to make this type of conference an annual event.

There was nothing same and mundane about our flagship program Sidak in 2016. Every year I am amazed at the dedication of our team, the energy of the Sidakers, and the dynamics of intense immersive learnings that take place which make all Sidak experiences unique and memorable. A permanent addition to Sidak has been a weekend Gurmat Sangit workshop which has been augmented through the year with our launch of Nad: Gurmat Sangit Heritage where we seek to engage in exposing the unique musical heritage our Guru’s bestowed us with.

Financially, 2016 was a difficult year in terms of fundraising. With your generous contributions non-profits like ours remain focused on our mission and are driven by accountability and integrity. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the SikhRI family we thank each and everyone of you for your generous donations that continue to sustain our work.

We look forward to your engagement with us via tan, man and dhan and in turn we aspire to meet the expectations and responsibility bestowed upon us to spread the Love and enable Panth ki Jit and Sarbat ka Bhalla!

Guru Rakha!

Inderpreet Singh, Chair, Board of Directors