Reaching Out to Parents & Professionals - 9th July 2013

July 9, 2013
Surrey, BC

SikhRI Canada hosted a busy week of presentations and interviews in the BC-area from 26 June – 3 July. Programming focused on parenting and families and also on Sikh professionals. There were also talks commemorating the Shahidi of Guru Arjan Sahib.

The week of events began with a radio interview on the Roshni Program on RED FM, and then on Saturday families gathered at the Khalsa Family Camp in Miracle Valley fora presentation on “Family in Sikhi.” Sukhwinder Virk commented afterwards: “The speaker was very knowledgeable and informative.I got ideas for parenting and love from the Sikhi point of view—helping me to look for the Divine light in everyone and to develop love in my family.”

Later that afternoon at the Gurdwara Sahib Sukh Sagar, Harinder Singh spoke on “Guru Arjan Sahib: Shabad to Shahadat.” On 30 June, the morning began with a radio interview on the Dilaan Di Saanjh Show airing on Sher-e-Punjab Radio, and that afternoon Harinder Singh gave another talk focused on the inspiration of the Fifth Nanak’s life: “Guru Arjan is Vahiguru-Like” at the Khalsa Diwan Society Nagar Kirtan.

The first day of July was packed, starting with a workshop at the Progressive Inter-Cultural Community Service:“Inspiring Gurmat in You and Your Family.” “This program benefited the way I thought of Sikhi because what I interpreted through this presentation is that Sikhi is a beautiful and deep topic. I have to understand myself,” said Gurishar Dhami. Another attendee, Manmeet Sahota added: “It helped me understand that individuals need to find out what Sikhi means to them. We need to learn beyond what we are told.”

That afternoon, Parminder Singh, board member of SikhRI Canada, took the floor for a workshop on “Sikhi and Professionalism.” “This program has broadened my horizons of what it means to be a Sikh and an aspiring professional in today's political and economic climate,” said Gurkirat Sahota. “The values that Sikhism holds dear do not limit you in your ambitions but rather provide you with tools that can help you succeed in the professional world.” Meher Aulakh said that she took away from the presentation the inspiration not only to conduct herself as a good person, but to promote the greater good as part of Sikhi in her professional life.

After the workshops, Harinder Singh spoke at the Baitur Rahman Mosque on the occasion of Canada Day, urging the interfaith community to consider their values and identity as a diverse nation and community. That evening he interviewed on RED FM for “The Evening Show.” The tour schedule closed with a free workshop open to the public: “The Ten Gurus” on 3 July at the Khalsa Diwan Society, Abbotsford. “So much information was presented in so little time!” said Paramjit Singh. “Everything related back to Guru Granth Sahib and my kids really liked the lecture too. We will go home and discuss more.” Interviews aired on OMNI Sit down on 5 July, and he Harpreet Singh Show on Joy TV on 7 and 8 July.

Parminder Singh commented on the successes he saw in meeting SikhRI’s programming goals: “The local events and programs are geared to educate the Sikh community to the intent of Sikhi as that is defined in Gurbani, while at the same time dispelling myths and combatting practices which are detrimental to the health and strength of our sangat. "Jotinder Singh Mann, also a SikhRI Canada board member, attended every event of the tour and was enthusiastic about the impact this type of educational programming can have on the individual and the community at large: “It was inspiring to gain such practical knowledge on our rich vibrant history and how we should be applying this in our daily lives,” he said.

Contact Person: Lali Kaur Pawa | +1-604-505-0502

Reaching Out to Parents & Professionals - 9th July 2013

SikhRI Canada hosted a busy week of presentations and interviews in the BC-area from 26 June – 3 July. Programming focused on parenting and families and also on Sikh professionals. There were also talks commemorating the Shahidi of Guru Arjan Sahib.

Surrey, BC

July 9, 2013

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The week of events began with a radio interview on the Roshni Program on RED FM, and then on Saturday families gathered at the Khalsa Family Camp in Miracle Valley fora presentation on “Family in Sikhi.” Sukhwinder Virk commented afterwards: “The speaker was very knowledgeable and informative.I got ideas for parenting and love from the Sikhi point of view—helping me to look for the Divine light in everyone and to develop love in my family.”

Later that afternoon at the Gurdwara Sahib Sukh Sagar, Harinder Singh spoke on “Guru Arjan Sahib: Shabad to Shahadat.” On 30 June, the morning began with a radio interview on the Dilaan Di Saanjh Show airing on Sher-e-Punjab Radio, and that afternoon Harinder Singh gave another talk focused on the inspiration of the Fifth Nanak’s life: “Guru Arjan is Vahiguru-Like” at the Khalsa Diwan Society Nagar Kirtan.

The first day of July was packed, starting with a workshop at the Progressive Inter-Cultural Community Service:“Inspiring Gurmat in You and Your Family.” “This program benefited the way I thought of Sikhi because what I interpreted through this presentation is that Sikhi is a beautiful and deep topic. I have to understand myself,” said Gurishar Dhami. Another attendee, Manmeet Sahota added: “It helped me understand that individuals need to find out what Sikhi means to them. We need to learn beyond what we are told.”

That afternoon, Parminder Singh, board member of SikhRI Canada, took the floor for a workshop on “Sikhi and Professionalism.” “This program has broadened my horizons of what it means to be a Sikh and an aspiring professional in today's political and economic climate,” said Gurkirat Sahota. “The values that Sikhism holds dear do not limit you in your ambitions but rather provide you with tools that can help you succeed in the professional world.” Meher Aulakh said that she took away from the presentation the inspiration not only to conduct herself as a good person, but to promote the greater good as part of Sikhi in her professional life.

After the workshops, Harinder Singh spoke at the Baitur Rahman Mosque on the occasion of Canada Day, urging the interfaith community to consider their values and identity as a diverse nation and community. That evening he interviewed on RED FM for “The Evening Show.” The tour schedule closed with a free workshop open to the public: “The Ten Gurus” on 3 July at the Khalsa Diwan Society, Abbotsford. “So much information was presented in so little time!” said Paramjit Singh. “Everything related back to Guru Granth Sahib and my kids really liked the lecture too. We will go home and discuss more.” Interviews aired on OMNI Sit down on 5 July, and he Harpreet Singh Show on Joy TV on 7 and 8 July.

Parminder Singh commented on the successes he saw in meeting SikhRI’s programming goals: “The local events and programs are geared to educate the Sikh community to the intent of Sikhi as that is defined in Gurbani, while at the same time dispelling myths and combatting practices which are detrimental to the health and strength of our sangat. "Jotinder Singh Mann, also a SikhRI Canada board member, attended every event of the tour and was enthusiastic about the impact this type of educational programming can have on the individual and the community at large: “It was inspiring to gain such practical knowledge on our rich vibrant history and how we should be applying this in our daily lives,” he said.

Contact Person: Lali Kaur Pawa | +1-604-505-0502