Sidh Gosti Course - 12th September 2017

September 12, 2017
Bridgewater, NJ

Sikh Research Institute is pleased to announce the release of a new course exploring the bani of Sidh Gosti. Revealed to Guru Nanak Sahib, the bani details his encounters with the Sidhs and the ensuing dialogue regarding yog: its outlook, lifestyle and the Sikh take on it.

Currently, yog is undergoing a zealous revival in the Hindi heartland of Indian subcontinent, and across the globe as an extension of it, being promoted as an exercise. But due to the lack of touch with Gurbani, yog has raised a lot of confusion and speculation in the Sikh world regarding its place and compatibility with Sikhi.

Sidh Gosti puts forth the Gurmat perspective on yog. The course offers a detailed interpretation of the bani, including opinions of major Sikh theologians and commentators. It juxtaposes the fundamental features of yog with Sikh principles and worldview as outlined in the bani. In the process, Sidh Gosti also gives an overview of yog, its methodology and vocabulary as they appear in the revelation.

Register for the course today:



This course has been made possible by the generous support of Guneet Kaur, Jasneev Kaur and Ishmeet Singh of Belle Mead, NJ.

About Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI)

The Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with a mission to connect people with the teachings of Sikhi, and make them accessible and easy to digest, for people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. By offering courses and seminars in a variety of mediums, SikhRI serves to strengthen the bonds of the Sikh community around the world.

Contact: Sikh Research Institute

Sidh Gosti Course - 12th September 2017

Sikh Research Institute is pleased to announce the release of a new course exploring the bani of Sidh Gosti. Revealed to Guru Nanak Sahib, the bani details his encounters with the Sidhs and the ensuing dialogue regarding yog: its outlook, lifestyle and the Sikh take on it.

Bridgewater, NJ

September 12, 2017

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Currently, yog is undergoing a zealous revival in the Hindi heartland of Indian subcontinent, and across the globe as an extension of it, being promoted as an exercise. But due to the lack of touch with Gurbani, yog has raised a lot of confusion and speculation in the Sikh world regarding its place and compatibility with Sikhi.

Sidh Gosti puts forth the Gurmat perspective on yog. The course offers a detailed interpretation of the bani, including opinions of major Sikh theologians and commentators. It juxtaposes the fundamental features of yog with Sikh principles and worldview as outlined in the bani. In the process, Sidh Gosti also gives an overview of yog, its methodology and vocabulary as they appear in the revelation.

Register for the course today:



This course has been made possible by the generous support of Guneet Kaur, Jasneev Kaur and Ishmeet Singh of Belle Mead, NJ.

About Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI)

The Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with a mission to connect people with the teachings of Sikhi, and make them accessible and easy to digest, for people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. By offering courses and seminars in a variety of mediums, SikhRI serves to strengthen the bonds of the Sikh community around the world.

Contact: Sikh Research Institute