SikhRI releases a new course for blissful life - 5th February 2018

February 5, 2018
Bridgewater, NJ

Sikh Research Institute is pleased to announce the release of a new online course Anand Sahib that explores the bani of the same name.

Upon the publishing of this new course, SikhRI’s Chair of the Board Jaswinder Singh Chadha expressed his gratitude:

It’s our generous donors who make this work possible. I am humbled by the financial assistance we have received to offer this course and we are looking forward to the response we get from our audience. With such incredible support, we are excited to continue building an online education community on a global scale, connecting everyone who wants to learn with Gurmat.

Anand Sahib holds a very special place in Sikh tradition, as it is sung in almost every congregation as well as recited in the Sikh initiation ceremony of Khade-ki-Pahul.

Revealed to Guru Amardas Sahib, the bani essentially details human quest for bliss and the lifestyle that is necessary for leading a blissful life. But before all, it describes what bliss is: what are its characteristics and where to find it.

Anand Sahib has been sung in Ramkali, a rag that has swinging moods, varying from devotion and yearning to energy and spiritedness. Variation and sway of the rag is skilfully exploited to traverse through human tendencies that cause anxiety in daily life and deprive us of bliss. The bani then explains ways to get rid of them and shows how to develop a sense of discrimination between right and wrong. In doing so, it introduces the individual to things that are worth engaging in life.

The beauty and significance of Anand Sahib can be gauged from the fact that it dwells on a variety of ideas and principles that are central to Sikh thought.

Some of the questions the course answers are: who is the Guru for us, who is a devotee of the Guru, what kind of relationship a Sikh should have with the Guru. It challenges stereotypes, like purity, associated by religious individuals to spirituality and Divine love, and graciously addresses many other misconceptions.

Anand Sahib also defines maya and other widely used terms that develop our understanding of the Sikh thought in the Guru Granth Sahib.

Sponsored by the Grace of Guru Ramdas Sahib, the registration for Anand Sahib is now open for all on the SikhRI website.


About Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI)

The Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with a mission to connect people with the teachings of Sikhi, and make them accessible and easy to digest, for people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. By offering courses and seminars in a variety of mediums, SikhRI serves to strengthen the bonds of the Sikh community around the world.

Contact: Sikh Research Institute

SikhRI releases a new course for blissful life - 5th February 2018

Sikh Research Institute is pleased to announce the release of a new online course Anand Sahib that explores the bani of the same name.

Bridgewater, NJ

February 5, 2018

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Upon the publishing of this new course, SikhRI’s Chair of the Board Jaswinder Singh Chadha expressed his gratitude:

It’s our generous donors who make this work possible. I am humbled by the financial assistance we have received to offer this course and we are looking forward to the response we get from our audience. With such incredible support, we are excited to continue building an online education community on a global scale, connecting everyone who wants to learn with Gurmat.

Anand Sahib holds a very special place in Sikh tradition, as it is sung in almost every congregation as well as recited in the Sikh initiation ceremony of Khade-ki-Pahul.

Revealed to Guru Amardas Sahib, the bani essentially details human quest for bliss and the lifestyle that is necessary for leading a blissful life. But before all, it describes what bliss is: what are its characteristics and where to find it.

Anand Sahib has been sung in Ramkali, a rag that has swinging moods, varying from devotion and yearning to energy and spiritedness. Variation and sway of the rag is skilfully exploited to traverse through human tendencies that cause anxiety in daily life and deprive us of bliss. The bani then explains ways to get rid of them and shows how to develop a sense of discrimination between right and wrong. In doing so, it introduces the individual to things that are worth engaging in life.

The beauty and significance of Anand Sahib can be gauged from the fact that it dwells on a variety of ideas and principles that are central to Sikh thought.

Some of the questions the course answers are: who is the Guru for us, who is a devotee of the Guru, what kind of relationship a Sikh should have with the Guru. It challenges stereotypes, like purity, associated by religious individuals to spirituality and Divine love, and graciously addresses many other misconceptions.

Anand Sahib also defines maya and other widely used terms that develop our understanding of the Sikh thought in the Guru Granth Sahib.

Sponsored by the Grace of Guru Ramdas Sahib, the registration for Anand Sahib is now open for all on the SikhRI website.


About Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI)

The Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with a mission to connect people with the teachings of Sikhi, and make them accessible and easy to digest, for people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. By offering courses and seminars in a variety of mediums, SikhRI serves to strengthen the bonds of the Sikh community around the world.

Contact: Sikh Research Institute