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Ep69 - 12 Gurus Series: Guru Amardas Sahib

In a new podcast series The 12 Gurus: From 1469 to Infinity, SikhRI sheds light on the lives and meaning of Gurus in Sikhi. Were they spiritualists and reformers or Divine and Revolutionaries?

In a new podcast series The 12 Gurus: From 1469 to Infinity, SikhRI sheds light on the lives and meaning of Gurus in Sikhi. Were they spiritualists and reformers or Divine and Revolutionaries? What lessons can we draw from them? How do they teach us to think?

The series introduces Gurus as masters of fine arts, builders of cities, deliverers of justice, coordinators of Seva and an overarching gateway to freedom and equality. It touches on the singular and harmonized Jot and Jugat as well as varied and diverse physical and temporal forms to provide a holistic understanding of the Gurus’ fundamental nature.

In this eposide we dive into the world of Guru Amardas who continues Guru Nanak's mission:
• Need of the Gurū (Bībī Amro
• Rejection of Satī and Pardāh
• Widow remarriage
• Established Mañjīs - parallel to 22 subahs of Akbar
• Founded Goindvāl - important Sikh Center
• Transcends relationship & age - meat in langar

In This Podcast

Inderpreet Singh

Principal Solutions Architect
Principal Solutions Architect

Inderpreet Singh is a technology professional focusing on cloud, networking, security, and solution architecture.

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Manpreet Singh Jassal

Manpreet Singh has worked for fortune 500 companies where he was a Marketing Director leading digital strategies.

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