What grabs me most about Harinder Singh is that it was the horrific experiences of 1984 that helped remove the shackles of narrow-mindedness for him … instead of engulfing him, as such things are wont to do.
SIDAK is an annual program designed as a leadership development program for young adults. It is run by The Sikh Research Institute ("SikhRI"), and is being held this year for two-weeks between July 27 and August 9 in Mission, British Columbia, Canada.
I was 17 when Prof Devidas Chatterjee opened up the world of poetry for me.Until then, I had studied English poetry for years, but it had yet to pierce my soul. It was still a chore, still no more than words laid out in a variety of clever configurations, always ending in what appeared to be a contrived rhyme.
Fascinating Folktales of Punjab
Like many young Sikh-Canadians and Sikh-Americans, I've done the full circuit.I started as a kid at the Punjabi Sunday School, moved on to the day camps run by the gurdwaras during school holidays. Then, in university and after, I started going from the West Coast to the East, attending conferences and retreats.
This summer, I was able to take part in a two-week intensive learning program in San Antonio, Texas. I didn't know what to expect, since it was my first year attending, but I heard so many great things about the program so I had to see it for myself.
Every year, when December rolls around, there is much buzz about the holiday season. From Hanukah to Kwanzaa and, of course, Christmas, it is a time of gatherings, decorations and gift exchange.
During a memorable kirtan at a housewarming, I was captivated by Bhai Sahib's rendering of Guru Nanak Sahib's Bani.
Established in 2003 and located in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., SikhRI is a non-profit, faith-based initiative whose mission is to "facilitate training and development while inspiring Sikh values.
On 31 July 1972, I was given a graceful opportunity to land on earth. Being of the Creator and Creation, I am to experience the Divine freedom while enjoying and living life to its fullest.
We’d like to share two stories from a past Sidaker, to let them tell in their own words what the Sidak experience could mean for you.
Jasleen Kaur and Sean Holden look into the concept of Vastness in Sikhi. Through poetics and Gurbani from the Guru Granth Sahib and renowned Sikh poets, we delve into how to find comfort and 1ness in times of struggle.
Jasleen Kaur and Sean Holden look into the concept of Vastness in Sikhi. Through poetics and Gurbani from the Guru Granth Sahib and renowned Sikh poets, we delve into how to find comfort and 1ness in times of struggle.