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Women & Gender in Sikhi | State of the Panth


Women’s issues and the issues of gender as it applies to all gender identities have existed throughout history. Those who identify as women are gaining platforms and using their voices to bring awareness to issues that matter to them.

Women’s issues and the issues of gender as it applies to all gender identities have existed throughout history. Those who identify as women are gaining platforms and using their voices to bring awareness to issues that matter to them.

At the same time, the backlash experienced for speaking up is swift and widespread, and every community has a long way to go.

How did the Sikh Gurus appreciate women and women’s issues?
How did they appreciate gender?
How do we understand women’s and gender issues within the Panth (Sikh collective) today?
We know that some Sikh practices are not in line with doctrine, so why is there a disparity, and how do we close that gap?

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