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Banda Singh Bahadar

A Tale of Valor


Banda Singh Bahadar

A Tale of Valor

Sikh History
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Banda Singh Bahadar

A Tale of Valor


Embark on the profound journey of Baba Banda Singh Bahadar, the guardian of Panjab's heritage.

Embark on the profound journey of Baba Banda Singh Bahadar, the guardian of Panjab's heritage. From a heartfelt plea to Guru Gobind Singh Sahib for guidance and passage into the noble cause's service, witness the spirit's relentless advance and ultimate liberation.

Explore the depth of his prayer, born from a deep yearning to uphold justice and dharam (Principle), as it unveils a saga of valor and destiny. Banda Singh's odyssey, empowered by the Guru, becomes a timeless legacy, defending dharam with unwavering courage. Join the exploration of this narrative, resonating with echoes from moments to eternity.

From recluse to the champion of the Sikh nation, Banda Singh Bahadar's transformative journey resonates deeply within me, like a sacred melody echoing through time. In the lush hills of Jammu, a hunting maestro named Lachman Das embarked on a pilgrimage through life. His days unfolded in a rhythmic dance of stealth, a choreography of skills honed through hard work, mental acuity, and finely tuned instincts. The poignant requiem of a pregnant deer became the catalyst for his metamorphosis, evolving into a sadhu with occult prowess, drawing seekers to his spiritual aura.

Destiny, a cosmic masterpiece, gracefully unfurled as Banda Singh Bahadar encountered Guru Gobind Singh Sahib. The profundity of that celestial rendezvous reverberates through the ages, and I yearn to witness the enchantment of their sacred exchange. In the temple of my heart, I summon the elements to guide me, and as their energy flows like sacred rivers, I stand in awe of the transcendental power woven into the fabric of such divine encounters.

Canto I

Beneath the twilight veil by Godavari's flow,
As the sun descended in its fiery glow,
A soft voice echoed in the evening air,
Whispering tales of a fate beyond compare.
Listen, O Seeker, to the turning tide,
A tale where destinies and history collide.
In Sixteen Seventy, October's embrace,
Born to Ram Dev, a farmer of grace.
Young Lachman Dev, under his father's care,
Learned both the plow and the art of warfare.
Hopes held high for a legacy to unfold,
Yet fate spins tales unforeseen and untold.
Not as his father planned did events unwind,
For Lachman's heart, a tender, fragile find.
Haunted by a deed, a pregnant doe's demise,
Mighty Lachman Dev, in torment, sighs.
A recluse, he wanders the mountain's crest,
In caves, he meditates, seeking rest.
Joining the order of Janki Das Bairagi,
Transformed, reborn, with spirit anew.
Forsaking his name, he's Madho Das now,
Disciple of Bairagi, with a solemn vow.
Austerities embraced, yogic paths tread,
In search of truth, the liberating god ahead.
Yet, despite his fervent plea,
His spirit remains bound, not free.
He leaves the hermitage, seeking solace,
Embracing supernatural powers, hoping for release.
Yet joy eludes, though powers he amasses,
The answer he seeks remains a distant portal.
In this ballad of Lachman, a tale profound,
Of transformation sought on hallowed ground.

Canto II

In whispers, the breeze hushes, trees bow low,
Petals cascade in homage; a stillness does grow.
In reverence for the Guru, a sacred quiet,
In the presence of greatness, a gentle stir.
Madho Das comes alive in the ballad's play,
A rhythm with destiny on each petal's display.
“O' Mighty Guru, why venture near?
I, a hermit, in solitude, appear,
Far from the realm of your noble might,
Yet, your presence makes my spirit ignite.”
In a paradox, the Guru's words unfold,
"I am the guide you've been waiting for,
To steer you to dharam, the sacred core.
Your waiting ends by destiny's decree,
To lead you through truths, profound and free."
Madho’s ego blazes; he stands defiant and strong,
"I wait for none; my Kundalini’s been awakened for long.
On water, I walk; in the air, I soar,
Invisible, colossal transformations I explore.
Through time and space, I move with ease,
Conversing with spirits, nature at my beck and call,
The mystic breeze obeys my every command."
The Guru, astute, discerns the ploy,
"Charlatan or seeker?" he questions the coy,
"Illusions fleeting, like a child toy,
Seek truth, not illusions, oh wandering boy."
Fury engulfs Madho, his powers unleashed,
The ground trembles and demons are released.
Storms rage as the Godavari rises in protest,
Snakes ascend, birds crawl, lions cry in their lair,
Jackals take flight; chaos fills the air.
Yet, undeterred, the Guru remains unmoved,
Despite the powers displayed, the facade was removed.
Madho is stunned; his might is diminished,
He falls at the Guru's feet, his ego finished.
Madho, now aware, stands in the True Master’s light,
His joy boundless, his spirit taking flight.
"Forgive me, O Guru, for my past transgressions,
Save me, make me your banda-own,
Command as you wish; I am your willing servant."
The Guru, benevolent, bestows Amrit's grace,
In that sacred moment, transformations take place.
Madho Das Bairagi's former self erased,
Before the Guru, Banda Singh Bahadar embraced.

Canto III

In gentle whispers, “My Guru, illuminate the way,
Guide my steps where truth holds eternal sway.
Reveal, O Guru, the path that's truly free,
What glory lies in raising the sword? Let me see.
Why must its edge be explored? Tell me why?”
The Guru imparts wisdom in response,
“In the journey of the sword, no glory is claimed,
Yet, dharam's defense is my duty, a sacred flame.
I tread the path laid by Guru Nanak,
The path of the One, beyond the veil.
“The Creator’s Will guides each step I take,
Defending creation for freedom's sake.
Creation must worship in liberty's embrace,
For all paths lead to One, conversion has no place.
The Guruship of Nanak, remarkable and divine,
Is an eternal legacy in every sacred line.
“Nanak’s Guruship is a celestial flame,
The Guru, the guardian, upholds dharam's name.
The spirit of Guru Nanak in each Guru stays,
Responding to the call, guiding through the maze.
Guru Arjan, a willing martyr, stood steadfast and tall,
My father gave his head, answering the call.
My two sons, buried alive, their sacrifice remains,
Forever etched in history, their valor sustains.
“By Divine Will, my Guruship reaches its final chord,
Fear not, for the eternal flame is divinely stored.
In the Guru Granth, the Ten Gurus find their rest,
The Body of Truth, in an eternal trance, blessed.
No other Granth bears such sacred status sublime,
In the Guru Granth, the spirit of the Guru is enshrined.
The essence of the eternal Guru, virtuous and grand,
In every verse, in every word, a glory to understand.”

Canto IV

“In Vaisakhi’s embrace, Sixteen Ninety-Nine,
I, among the Panj Piaras, entwine in initiation’s line,
Sipping sacred Amrit from the beloved hands,
Their unwavering faith in Guru Nanak firmly stands.

“The Panj Piaras guide through trials yet untold,
In a spiritual democracy, their faith unfolds.
From their command, Chamkaur's path I choose,
Seeking defense to their call, I faithfully adhered.

“In the Panj Piaras' hands rests Guru Nanak's sacred trail,
A legacy safeguarded, a political-spiritual aftermath unveiled.
When tyranny looms, rosaries are laid bare,
Saints rise with swords, a solemn and just affair.

"On horseback, blades in firm embrace,
in the heart, a warrior's grace.
Panjab resounds, thunderous and grand,
Now echoes Panjab with my Khalsa’s stand.

“They fear not death in the fight for dharam,
A miracle unfolds, Guru Nanak's sacred allure.
Where once wandered sheep, now lions roar,
In the legacy of battles, a triumph to explore.”

Canto V

“Grant me, my Guru, passage through Panjab's expanse,
In service to this cause, let my spirit advance.
Liberation found in this noble endeavor,
A plea from the heart, an earnest prayer, forever.”
The Guru’s voice resonates, “Go with my grace,
Lead my people; let justice embrace.
Instill fear in tyrants, break tyranny’s chain,
A warrior’s spirit, my blessings sustain.
“As you embark, heed this decree,
Align with the Panj Piaras' call, let righteousness be.
Declare not yourself, Guru, keep purity in sway,
In thought, word, and deed, let it guide your way.”
“Wherever I am remembered, your name will resound,
A chosen guardian of dharam’s sacred ground.
In memory’s sanctuary, standing tall,
The one chosen to heed the righteous call.”
Banda bows at the Guru’s feet,
Embracing the five arrows given, a destiny to meet.
Empowered by the sacred gift, in battle’s heat,
He marches forth, a defender swift and fleet.
Destiny echoes Banda Singh Bahadar,
Guardian of Panjab, a celestial star.
From this moment to eternity's grace,
In every remembrance, his image holds its place.

In the silent unveiling by nature's elements, a tableau of destiny unfurled, weaving a tale of unparalleled bond. Amidst this cosmic narrative, my heart expanded with profound gratitude, reverently acknowledging the sacred path laid by the universe. Embracing the unfolding journey, I marveled at destiny's intricate design, a testament to its divine orchestration. I closed this chapter with utmost reverence, its echoes resonating within the cosmic fabric of existence.


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Creative Director

Inni Kaur is Creative Director at the Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI). She has served SikhRI in several capacities since 2010, including Chair of the Board, and most recently as CEO. 

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