Liv - Virtual Crevices: Sikh Diaspora and Cyber-Commemoration
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In the almost 30 years since the violent anti-Sikh attacks of 1984, dominant memories of the events have been colored by the Indian state, Indian mass media, and counter-state voices of militant Sikhs. But how can we examine narratives that fall outside these ways of remembrance?
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Using text and images from aselection of Sikh websites this webinar will examine present-day virtual or online memory work on 1984 as significantly different from dominant memories put out by both the Indian state and violent, militant discourse. Calling current cyber-commemoration “crevices in dominant memories,” we will ask: What are some other ways to remember 1984 and how do they come across in virtual spaces?
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During the tumultuous period of the 18th century, the Sikhs faced utter persecution and huge political challenges. Various rulers and invaders, including the Mughals and the Afghans, often targeted the Sikhs.
During the tumultuous period of the 18th century, the Sikhs faced utter persecution and huge political challenges. Various rulers and invaders, including the Mughals and the Afghans, often targeted the Sikhs.
Discover the essence of Sikhi in "Legacy of 1984: Rising Voices," a poetic tribute that delves into the indomitable spirit of Sikhs during tumultuous times.
Discover the essence of Sikhi in "Legacy of 1984: Rising Voices," a poetic tribute that delves into the indomitable spirit of Sikhs during tumultuous times.
Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale is a pivotal figure in the events of 1984. There is much consternation and confusion over his actions and choices in the lead-up to the June 1984 Ghallughara.
Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale is a pivotal figure in the events of 1984. There is much consternation and confusion over his actions and choices in the lead-up to the June 1984 Ghallughara.