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From Reflection to Connection

September 10, 2024

Vahiguru ji ka Khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki Fatih!

A seeker’s journey is rooted in the intention to cultivate a relationship with IkOankar—the One, the Divine, the Sovereign, the Beloved. For many, this quest is a vital part of living a meaningful life. While some see this connection as a distant goal, it is a pressing priority for others.

In the fourth composition of So Purakhu (That Being), Guru Arjan Sahib says: O being! You have received the precious human body. This is your chance to meet Gobind, the Earth-Knower. The Guru reminds us of the preciousness of life—the unique opportunity we have received with this human body to connect with our Beloved Sovereign.The Guru urges us to reflect deeply on our life’s journey and consider the steps we’ve taken to establish this connection. The Guru reassures us that it is never too late. Seekers striving for a love-connection with their Beloved can realign their focus and pursue this relationship with the time that remains.

We pause. We reflect. In these moments of stillness, we understand the magnitude of our journey and the choices we face.

The seeker’s journey is often likened to crossing a vast “world-ocean,” where IkOankar represents the boundless ocean—an expanse where the Creator and creation coexist in a state of 1-Ness. The relentless waves symbolize the worldly temptations and distractions that challenge us at every turn. Just as a swimmer must practice to navigate the waters, a seeker must be disciplined and committed to developing this connection. Surrounding ourselves with wisdom-centered individuals can help us stay focused on our ultimate goal—unity with the One.

Guru Arjan Sahib, identifying with those seekers who have lost their way, says: I haven’t made the effort to actively pursue this relationship or dedicate time to remembering you as my sole focus. I have neglected the collective wisdom of the 1Force in my life and the creation around me….Please, hold me close and help me stay connected to you, my Beloved.

The humility is astounding. Silence ensues, inviting us to recognize our moments of neglect and the grace that allows us to return to the path. In this stillness, the seeker taking refuge in the Sovereign and seeking support from wisdom-centered companions is strengthened in their journey to meet the Beloved.

Standing at this threshold, we must ask ourselves: What steps are we taking to prepare for this connection? Are our companions on this path guiding us toward the Wisdom-Guru? Is our commitment to IkOankar our most important pledge?

The journey awaits—may we walk it with intention and unwavering focus, continually striving to deepen our connection with IkOankar.

May the Wisdom-Guru guide us!

Watch, Listen, Read

Our Relationship with The Guru Granth Sahib

Harinder Singh and Jasleen Kaur speak about a Sikh's relationship with The Guru Granth Sahib.

The Journey of Acceptance: A Conversation on Hukam

Join Inni Kaur and Kiranjot Kaur as they share their understanding of Hukam (Command.) What is Hukam? What does it mean to give your head to the Guru? Can one live in constant flow and surrender to Hukam while remaining detached from the world?

From Pothi to Guru Granth Sahib

Guru Arjan Sahib gifted the eventual Guru Granth Sahib to humanity. Why did the Guru envision it? How did the Guru compile it? What did the Guru curate?

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