The SikhRI team reflects and shares their perspectives of Vaisakhi. Featuring speakers unique in their backgrounds, countries, and experiences, we hope the “Countdown to Vaisakhi” video series will ignite a spark in you to reflect on your personal connection to Vaisakhi.
The SikhRI team reflects and shares their perspectives of Vaisakhi. Featuring speakers unique in their backgrounds, countries, and experiences, we hope the “Countdown to Vaisakhi” video series will ignite a spark in you to reflect on your personal connection to Vaisakhi.
“I reflect on Vaisakhi and use it as a time to remind myself of what my Guru wanted of me and for me. I realize that it will take awareness and intention at each and every moment and with each and every choice I make..."
“Vaisakhi was a day of transformation, a day of individual transformation and collective transformation. And one that holds a high bar on how we are meant to live in the world—how we are meant to engage in the world..."
“Vaisakhi is a time for gathering, for the Sikh Panth to come together; to learn from each other, to be inspired by each other, and to gain wisdom and inspiration from the Guru. To come to the path of the Guru for personal and Panthic transformation,”
“Everything starts in the Sikh culture from Guru Nanak Sahib. And when Guru Nanak references the word Vai-sakhi, he actually brings it out of nature. Sak is a branch. If you look at humanity as being the tree symbolism..."