In Bhai Vir Singh's narrative masterpiece, "Rana Bhabor," a poignant dialogue unfolds between Rana Uday Singh and his devoted Rani, offering profound insights into the complexities of love and devotion.
In Bhai Vir Singh's narrative masterpiece, "Rana Bhabor," a poignant dialogue unfolds between Rana Uday Singh and his devoted Rani, offering profound insights into the complexities of love and devotion.
Why do the Sikhs need to know about Jassa Singh? How does one prepare to lead the Sikh nation while witnessing multiple genocidal campaigns? What are the traits of Sikh leadership?
Why do the Sikhs need to know about Jassa Singh? How does one prepare to lead the Sikh nation while witnessing multiple genocidal campaigns? What are the traits of Sikh leadership?
Vaisakhi a time for celebration, a time for contemplation and so much more...
Vaisakhi a time for celebration, a time for contemplation and so much more...
This poem is from a lived experience of the one who is drenched with love. Nature and its seasons become a mere reflection of that love.
This poem is from a lived experience of the one who is drenched with love. Nature and its seasons become a mere reflection of that love.
Dear friends, Cet 1 is here again. And with it begins the new Nanakshahi calendar year 550. SikhRI would love to take this opportunity to convey our warm wishes to the entire Sikh sangat, and our heartfelt appreciation for your continued love and support.
Dear friends, Cet 1 is here again. And with it begins the new Nanakshahi calendar year 550. SikhRI would love to take this opportunity to convey our warm wishes to the entire Sikh sangat, and our heartfelt appreciation for your continued love and support.
Bhai Sahib Bhai Vir Singh ji is best described as a savant-poet. As a poet, even his prose takes on a mystical, lyrical quality. The physical effect of reading his works is like a shikara (light, flat-bottom, roofed boat) gently bobbing along an open river. Mentally, he stretches not just your imagination but also your understanding. Emotionally, he shakes you to the core. His words carry the weight of profound experiences. Written with deep conviction, their impact on the reader is inevitable.
Bhai Sahib Bhai Vir Singh ji is best described as a savant-poet. As a poet, even his prose takes on a mystical, lyrical quality. The physical effect of reading his works is like a shikara (light, flat-bottom, roofed boat) gently bobbing along an open river. Mentally, he stretches not just your imagination but also your understanding. Emotionally, he shakes you to the core. His words carry the weight of profound experiences. Written with deep conviction, their impact on the reader is inevitable.
Those whose are immersed in Sabad, their relationships are drenched in the Color-Love.
Those whose are immersed in Sabad, their relationships are drenched in the Color-Love.
The Anand Karaj (Sikh marriage ceremony) is one of the life stages outlined with specific sentiments and ceremonies for Sikhs. Its procedures have received increased attention in recent years as a major community issue.
The Anand Karaj (Sikh marriage ceremony) is one of the life stages outlined with specific sentiments and ceremonies for Sikhs. Its procedures have received increased attention in recent years as a major community issue.