Join us as we delve into Bhai Vir Singh’s epic poem “Rana Surat Singh.” The poem unveils mystical love’s mysteries via 14,270 lines in thirty-five cantos. In the first podcast, we discuss: What is longing? What is satsang (company of inspired beings)?
Join us as we delve into Bhai Vir Singh’s epic poem “Rana Surat Singh.” The poem unveils mystical love’s mysteries via 14,270 lines in thirty-five cantos. In the first podcast, we discuss: What is longing? What is satsang (company of inspired beings)?
The unit, packed with exciting lessons, will take students on a journey of exploration of the concept of Seva in light of Gurbani–Wisdom, Tavarikh–History, and Rahit–Lifestyle. SikhRI’s Seva lessons are created to be used equally at home, Sikh camps, or Gurmat and Panjabi schools.