Getting to Know Jassa Singh Ahluwalia

Gurmat Education Resource: Middle & High School Level

Explore the life and lessons of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and his legacy through our downloadable education resource and our originally produced podcast and video series ‘Sikh History.’

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Sikh History
Jassa Singh Ahluwalia

Lesson Plan Breakdown

Jassa Singh Ahluwalia (1718-1783) was one of the most outstanding leaders Sikhs have had. As a leader, he prepared the Sikh community to take control of its own destiny in the most troubled times and write a chapter on its own in the annals of history.

His leadership helped the Sikh community through multiple genocidal campaigns and turned out sovereigns in Panjab, a North-Western region in South Asia. Today, not many people know of his contribution to the Sikh position and rule during the most testing time in history.

Explore the life and lessons of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and his legacy through our downloadable education resource and our originally produced podcast and video series ‘Sikh History.’

The lesson plan is divided into resources for the instructors, including necessary readings and the preparation and modes of exploration for navigating the learning material. Instructors can expect various activities and learning moments throughout the lesson plan. Units can be used individually or in combination with others.

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Lesson Plan Breakdown

The lesson plan is divided into resources for the instructors, including necessary readings and the preparation and modes of exploration for navigating the learning material. Instructors can expect various activities and learning moments throughout the lesson plan. Units can be used individually or in combination with others.

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The Legacy of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia

This education resource will introduce students to the legacy of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and the traits of Sikh leadership.

Advanced Learning Opportunities

We have paired lessons with various “Advanced Learning Opportunities” to help students of all levels engage in higher learning and contemporary conversations so that they can develop a fuller and richer understanding of historical Sikh leadership and its continuing significance today.

Learning Through Connection

For teachers, parents, or facilitators, the learning opportunities are included to ensure that students can formulate connected questions that relate to the present circumstances of the Sikhs. These lessons are perfect for home, Gurmat and Panjabi schools, and as well as Sikh camps.


Watch as Pritpal Singh highlights Jassa Singh Ahluwalia’s selfless nature and strong leadership, which helped him navigate and lead the Sikh collective through the difficult times of the 18th century when genocidal campaigns were taking place.

Jassa Singh was born in 1718 in Ahlu near Lahore when it was not safe to be a Sikh. The Mughal Empire controlled most of South Asia at this point. It was increasingly difficult for the Sikhs as they were being hunted.

In this video, Pritpal Singh delves into the influences of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, from his mother to Mata Sundri. 

Jassa Singh faced many challenges in creating sovereignty in the 18th century. Pritpal Singh speaks on Jassa Singh’s dedication to keeping the Sikh leaders focused on achieving independence.

Being incredibly devoted to sovereignty and justice, Jassa Singh Ahluwalia would never seek out revenge or incite pain on the soldiers who surrendered. Pritpal Singh dives into the final years of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia’s inspirational life.

Why is it important for Sikhs, today, to remember Maharani Jind Kaur?
What oppression did Rani Jind Kaur have to overcome in order to lead the Sikh Kingdom?
You decide… Was Rani Jind Kaur on the side of the Sikhs or the British?
How did Rani Jind Kaur cross boundaries to resist British control?
What influence did Rani Jind Kaur have on those who came after her?

Explore the Getting to Know Series

This educational series provides learners with historical insights that strengthen their connection to Sikhi.

Explore the State of the Panth Series

This educational series provides learners with historical insights that strengthen their connection to Sikhi.