Harinder Singh is the Senior Fellow at the Sikh Research Institute. He holds a BS in Aerospace Engineering from Wichita State University, an MS in Engineering Management from the University of Kansas, and an MPhil from Punjab University in the linguistics of the Guru Granth Sahib.
He co-founded the Sikh Research Institute and the Panjab Digital Library, envisioned the Kaur and Singh Academy, and organized the Free Akal Takht campaign.
He appears on radio and television programs and speaks at universities, parliaments, museums, conferences, and civic institutions. He has authored several books and numerous articles integrating the political and the spiritual. He consults on curriculums, exhibitions, and films and is featured in many documentaries on the Sikhs, the Panjab, and South Asian matters.
His current focus is on developing critical thinking for Sikh institutions via the State of the Panth report series and developing open-source decoding of Guru Granth Sahib in contemporary Panjabi and English for a global audience.
He has served on the National Conference on Community and Justice boards, The Fellowship of Activists to Embrace Humanity, The Nanakshahi Trust, among others. He looks for culturally-specific things to experience and a light roast pour-over coffee to sip during travels, reads and binge-watches to stay in touch with what the world is up to, and listens to sabads, poetry, Hir, jazz, and political rap.
Harinder Singh resides with his family in the United States.
Harinder Singh of SikhRI discusses 'Challenges for Sikhs' on The Harpreet Singh Show. [Video courtesy of the Harpreet Singh Show]
SikhRI's Chief Programming Officer Harinder Singh @ Gurduara Sahib Dasmesh Darbar in Surrey, BC talking about Ghallugharas and the Sikh Diaspora.
Selections from Muhhamad Iqbal, Allah Yar Khan Jogi, Shah Muhammad, Vir Singh, Puran Singh, and Afzal Ahsan Randhawa will be covered to present Sikhi as represented in poetry from 1469 to present.
Sexuality is a polarizing topic, which people often turn to religion seeking concrete moral pronouncements. This presentation seeks to understand the Sikh take on the issue by examining ideas from doctrine, history and lifestyle. How does Sikhi shape human behavior and what is its outlook on issues surrounding sex, pleasure, procreation, and sexual preferences? How does this outlook connect to our ideas about relationships, morality, spirituality, and society?
Harinder Singh on the Jus GalBaat Live show with host Sumandeep Kaur.
Several new South Asian nation-states were born as the British Raj ended in 1947.
The Khalsa inauguration on Vaisakhi day in 1699 infused the Sikhs and gave them a structure of ideas and institutions that continue to shape their lives both individually and collectively. We will discuss Panthic leadership through Sikhi ideals and historical models. We will also explore the current deficits in leadership and their code of conduct. How can Love-drenched & Wisdom-centered impetus revive organic leadership in the vicinity of ideals!
Join Harinder Singh and Jasleen Kaur as they discuss the larger Sikh context around beadbi as a political problem in need of a political solution. What is beadbi ? How has it been dealt with historically? What are its Panthic and legal understandings? How does it relate to the reverence Sikhs collectively show to the Guru Granth Sahib? And how, given recent cases in the news, can we understand individual and collective responses given the current realities on the ground?
Join us in conversation with Harinder Singh and Jasleen Kaur as we try to understand Dan from a Gurmat (Guru’s Way) perspective, as inferred from Bani (wisdom), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle).
There is a deeply profound sentiment tied to martyrdom in Sikhi as well as in many other faiths groups. Throughout the ages, we have seen challenging circumstances of oppression that have chosen to desecrate the bodies of those who address it.
In this conversation, we discuss the Sikh context of what Guru is, “Gurgaddi” as the enthronement to the status of the Guru in Sikh tradition, and how the eternal co-Guruship came about by the Command of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib to Granth-Panth.
Abortion as defined by the the Oxford dictionary is a “deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.” Abortions have long been performed and long been the subject of considerable debate.
Akal Takht Sahib (Timeless Throne Sovereign) commands the worldly moral authority of the Sikhs, functioning as the institutional manifestation of the Miri-Piri (Political-Spiritual) doctrine as envisioned by the Gurus.
The Gurduara is considered to be the heart of the Sikh community. Throughout all components of the Gurduara, the teachings of the Gurus must be visible in both abstract heights and concrete realities.
The Anand Karaj (Sikh marriage ceremony) is one of the life stages outlined with specific sentiments and ceremonies for Sikhs. Its procedures have received increased attention in recent years as a major community issue.
As the global Sikh population expands in size and complexion, the definition of a Sikh becomes increasingly important to support and shape the community. This study sets out to establish an understanding of how to conceptualize who is a Sikh.
COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything for everyone. There are those who are serving the need of the hour, and there are those who are serving their own needs, that’s just how things have always been. Allow me to share the Sikh ethos as a reminder:
Join Harinder Singh as he discusses Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Medicine For Life.
Join Harinder Singh as he discusses Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Medicine For Life.