A Special Report on Historical Context 1984

A Special Report on Historical Context 1984

Sikhs, Panjab, India & the Diaspora: Locating the Current Crisis

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the current crisis involving Sikhs, Panjab, India, and the diaspora, with a focus on the historical context primarily from 1984 to 2023.

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Remember 1984
Sikh History


This report provides a comprehensive overview of the current crisis involving Sikhs, Panjab, India, and the diaspora, with a focus on the historical context primarily from 1984 to 2023.

The report emphasizes historical grievances and injustices against Sikhs since 1947, the roots of the Khalistan movement, and varying degrees of support for Sikh separatism. It highlights the tactics used by the Indian state to oversimplify Sikh identity, portraying Sikhs as either extensions of Hindus or as terrorists and separatists. It also underscores unaddressed issues of human rights violations, state-led violence, and mass disappearances against Sikhs, particularly during the 1984 “Operation Blue Star” and the Sikh Genocide.

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The report emphasizes historical grievances and injustices against Sikhs since 1947, the roots of the Khalistan movement, and varying degrees of support for Sikh separatism. It highlights the tactics used by the Indian state to oversimplify Sikh identity, portraying Sikhs as either extensions of Hindus or as terrorists and separatists. It also underscores unaddressed issues of human rights violations, state-led violence, and mass disappearances against Sikhs, particularly during the 1984 “Operation Blue Star” and the Sikh Genocide.

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Why is it important for Sikhs, today, to remember Maharani Jind Kaur?
What oppression did Rani Jind Kaur have to overcome in order to lead the Sikh Kingdom?
You decide… Was Rani Jind Kaur on the side of the Sikhs or the British?
How did Rani Jind Kaur cross boundaries to resist British control?
What influence did Rani Jind Kaur have on those who came after her?

Explore the Getting to Know Series

This educational series provides students with historical insights that strengthen their connection to Sikhi.

Explore the State of the Panth Series

This educational series provides learners with historical insights that strengthen their connection to Sikhi.